Tokyobike LTD



My garage
2237 W Lyndale St
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - 2:00am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Fixed Gear / Track Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Bike is only 2 months old and appears brand new. Has silver bars with brown leather Brooks grips and a Brooks saddle.

Owner Information

Owner Name: 
Darrin S
Contact Email: 
Email hidden by Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. Contact the CSBR staff to email the owner.
Contact Phone Number: 

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
1 day
Incident Description: 
This bike was stolen out of my locked garage at night. It appears they broke the garage door, disabled the opener and lifted the garage door manually. Brand new tokyobike that isn't even sold anywhere in Chicago, so should be distinctive.

Recovery Information

Recovery Notes: 
This bike was recovered: 