Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features:
The bike has gatorskin tires, and pedals/straps that I put on myself. There was a brooks saddle on the bike as well, brown leather. The seat is pretty broken in, and looks like it. The frame is also pretty worn, with a lot of scratches especially across the top tube. The bar tape is also pretty dirty (used to be white) and peeling off. The bike is on the fixed side, although the free wheel hub is visibly rusty. I also replaced the stem with a short, black, elevated stem.
Incident Description
Which type of area was your bike stolen from?:
Bike was in a locked apartment or residence.
How was the bike locked?:
How long was the bike locked in this location?:
Incident Description:
After seeing the bike securely in the locked foyer of a friend's apartment (not itself locked to anything), it was gone when I came down to go home an hour later. The door that required a key to get in had been damaged, with part of it pried off in order for the thief to force open the door and enter. Some neighboors said they had entered only about 20 minutes later, and the bike was already gone.