Division & Wolcott
, IL
United States
See map: Google Maps
Date of Theft
Monday, August 19, 2024 - 1:00am
Basic Bike Info
Bicycle Type:
Serial No.:
812741027624 ; Frame AA20937835
Electric Cargo Bike for Families
Beetle Blue
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features:
Electric Cargo Bike for Families, with a bike seat
Owner Information
Owner Name:
Mohamed Mohamedein
Contact Email:
Email hidden by Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. Contact the CSBR staff to email the owner.
Police Report No.:
Lock Information
How was the lock defeated?:
Lock is missing, along with the bike.
Lock Type:
Heavy Duty Bicycle Security Chain
What was the bike locked to?:
Locked to a wooden pole, railing, or fence.
How was the bike locked?:
Locked through front wheel and frame to object.
Incident Description
Which type of area was your bike stolen from?:
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How long was the bike locked in this location?:
All Year
Incident Description:
On August 19, 2024, at approximately 01:00 hours, a white male wearing a white cap, white shirt, black backpack, blue jeans, and white shoes used a screw to tamper with and jam the front/main entrance door. After gaining entry, the individual proceeded to the garage door entrance. Inside the garage, using a flashlight and his phone, he searched through and checked all storage cages and closets to see if there was anything valuable to steal. During this time, he moved our child's blue bike and stroller to access other items. The suspect then noticed our blue Tern Family electric bike, which was secured to a shelf. He moved several items in front of our car to clear his path and spent nearly 10 minutes breaking the lock. Once the lock was broken, he attempted to exit through the garage door, but when that failed, he exited with the bike through the same front/main entrance door he had initially used to enter, at approximately 01:15 hours. All of this was recorded by our apartment complex's video camera. The tools required to break the lock were carried in his backpack.
Recovery Information
Recovery Notes:
This bike was recovered: